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New Covid Vaccine Requirements


Due to the recent increase in Covid cases and the ease of transmission with the new variants:

Starting January 1, 2022, we will require proof of vaccination OR a clean PCR Covid test taken no less than 48 hours to attend classes or teach them (with subsequent quarantine to prevent possible exposure).

Proof of Vaccination Instructions

If you are enrolled in classes, please submit your digital vaccination record to at least a week before the class to ensure you will be allowed into the class.

Clean Covid Test Instructions

If you opt for the test option, the results must be turned into the office 24 hours prior to the first day of class for clearance to attend.

Additional Requirements:

During class, masks must be worn (always covering both the nose and mouth) any time social distancing of 6 feet or more cannot be maintained, even outdoors. Here is info from the Health Department about how to choose a mask. Remember, no matter what it’s made of, it needs to prevent the fluid from your breath from passing through it to be effective. There are diagrams for how to adjust the fit of masks on the link.

Remember to wash hands frequently, avoid touching your face and mask as much as possible, and use hand sanitizer between hand washings.

What If I’m Not Feeling Well?

If you have any symptoms of any kind, even if you think it’s just a little cold (common with omicron now) STAY HOME & get tested. The current parameters for contact tracing is to notify anyone you were in contact with a minimum of 48 hours prior to the first symptom(s). Keep in mind that many of our community come to this work because they have health challenges and may be immunocompromised, so our precautions are about keeping everyone safe.

This is from the health department:

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms (regardless of vaccination status) should get tested for COVID-19 and be immediately isolated away from others. If they test positive, they need to remain isolated from others for minimum 10 days from symptom onset and until fever-free for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) along with improvement of other symptoms.

We thank you for working with us to ensure everyone’s safety during this ongoing and very challenging time.

Being able to be in class with you all means the world to us as does your wellness. See you soon!


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